Welcome to the NeuroFitLab! We research ways to promote mental health and physical health across the lifespan, including young adults, older adults, and individuals with Alzheimer’s disease. Our innovative techniques allow us to understand how cellular changes impact psychological function. Our community-driven research program helps us to achieve meaningful results sooner. The ultimate goal of our research is to keep you Healthy for Life!
Female adults between 18-30 years old wanted for a research study!
We've created a freely-available evidence-based exercise toolkit for mental health. Download your copy now!
Awarded Insight Development Grant to evaluate effectiveness of exercise breaks in a classroom to improve learning & academics.
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Congratuations to Dr. Heisz! 2017 recipient of the Ontario Ministry of Research & Innovation Early Researcher Award.
Welcome to the NeuroFitLab! We research ways to promote mental health and physical health across the lifespan, including young adults, older adults, and individuals with Alzheimer’s disease. Our innovative techniques allow us to understand how cellular changes impact psychological function. Our community-driven research program helps us to achieve meaningful results sooner. The ultimate goal of our research is to keep you Healthy for Life!